Comments : Autumn Fragility

  • 13 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I like this writing it made me smile inside :-) x

  • 13 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    We both seem to think of the Autumn as rusty. It works well in this piece, setting the tone for thoughts on something worn away from dis-use.

    Next we, the readers, wonder whether you are just describing your feelings about the writing experience, or something deeper, more pervasive.

    The marriage of your ink (inspiration) to dry autumn leaves points out the ephemeral nature of emotions and even their expression; transitory is fragility. When even our deepest thoughts become used up, where does hope lie?

    Might as well lite that final bonfire of despair, become a living zombie without investment of oneself.


    Hope walks in and the fragility strengthens, . . . and? The reader builds his/her own continuation.

    Well done

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    This was very original, and doubtlessly unique. the word choice, very like! It suits my mood, and definitely fits with the style I like, somehow it was like a very sad song! With a happy melody at the end.

    I enjoyed every single line, I wished it was my own! Sometimes we get bored, or despair becomes a part of us that we dont have the motivation to even trry...not even to hope.

    However, tho the metaphors here, and how you used autumn to express your idea..where thrill dies, still you decided to shock the reader or not to shock as it was tenderly used here...then he showed up..perhaps inspired you to write more..perhaps holding the colorful season with him.. many perhaps;s :]

    One suggestion, there is a line where you say..the road that lead to me..

    lead, better be "leads" like use the continues tense, it will suit the ending better. :]

    well done

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Meme, I like this piece, no I love it

    It sort of was like really gentle, and the tone was like soft and peaceful but held alot of emotion,
    it was a really nice piece.
    The title drew me in and I like it when that happens, if i read a title and think, this sounds interesting.

    Hmmm, I'm sorry for the slightly below par comment, I'll review this soon :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is so unique and the twist at the end is mind blowing. I love how you use nature to convey the feelings of a delicate being at the verge of almost giving up on someone that's so dear to his/her heart. From no where, like the waves of the ocean, you sprung out of nowhere; showing up. Wow! very intriguing I must add, I'm besieged by your use of words. In my favs., already. You Rock Girl, much love. Mashallah, blessings to you. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is so unique and the twist at the end is mind blowing. I love how you use nature to convey the feelings of a delicate being at the verge of almost giving up on someone that's so dear to his/her heart. From no where, like the waves of the ocean, you sprung out of nowhere; showing up. Wow! very intriguing I must add, I'm besieged by your use of words. In my favs., already. You Rock Girl, much love. Mashallah, blessings to you. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Oh a beautiful poem.

    The flow is awesome. I love the words used and the nature aspect of the poem.

    I love how you have considered yourself a "guest" as if to say that you are not in control of the words your own mind has when it writes???

    The idea that the ink has abandoned you with the autumn leaves. Awesome write hun


  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow... I love this! Honey you manage to amaze with each poem you write... I'm in love with this poem!

    First, I love the title, it definitely caught my eye.

    Second, the whole poem was moving. I really enjoyed it.

    I love the opening stanza, especially this part:
    "to witness an
    endless protest between
    my pen and my thoughts."
    >> I like the idea of a protest between your pen and thoughts.. and like how you struggle to let things out in a poem when it doesn't turn out the way you want.

    The second stanza blew me away! I loooove how compared your situation to autumn and fragile leaves... I love that season so I really admire your imagery.

    "I have already crinkled all
    the pages of my poetry;
    lit the fire on for that final
    farewell, or perhaps a
    journey to the unknown."

    >> amazing!!! I love how you crinkled all the pages of your poetry, and lit it in a fire, for the final farewell! It felt so powerful..

    And the ending - simple yet perfect... because in this case if you were about to let someone go, and they show up... that changes everything!

    I love how your poem had an element of surprise... It was really a joy to read! Amazing poem darling <3

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    Meme, I totally love this.. it flows brilliantly.
    I was going along very fast with the tender tone of yours.. and the melancholy painted words. I even felt that I was sitting beside a bonfire. But .... the last line was like a dead end. a brilliant one.

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    I loved this ... Sadness a reason to giv up then saved by one person i loved how you described your feelings

    "I have already crinkled all
    the pages of my poetry;
    lit the fire on for that final
    farewell, or perhaps a
    journey to the unknown."

    this was so powerful its just states

    then you changed the whole poem with a simple but very affected ending awesome poem x

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Wow this is great fantastic and amazing I loved it, pretty much everything about it,,greatly written 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Wow this is indeed a very beautiful poem. The imagery you have set in these line is amazing

    /As if all the ink I once had
    had escaped to marry the
    fragility of autumn leaves;
    piled up along the broken
    road that leads to me.
    marry the autumn leaves- that is very thoughful

    /Only when I was ready to
    abandon my words
    -You showed up.
    // I have fallen in love with these words ... so elegant and powerful. Brilliantly written.

  • 13 years ago

    by average thoughts

    What a fantastic piece..and so wel deserving fr weekly cntst..

  • 13 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    Absolutely beautiful, I like how this was written and the emotions that are within the lines. Very sad but also touching and heartfelt....