Comments : The River that Flows (Kyrielle)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Scoops are taken by steady hands
    river current ripples sinewed,
    levees breach, carry silt and sand
    as it flows forth the land's renewed.
    I love this image, it reminds me of people taking scoops of water in their hands just before they take a drink. If this is a river I am sure it is not one that is near me lol no one would want to drink that crap. Lovely image though!!!

    Floods are god's gift to those who grow
    'spite how others have them construed;
    old man marks twain before the blow
    as it flows forth the land's renewed.
    The mention of God's gift and floods reminds me of the bible story of Noah's Ark. The idea that that the flood comes and cleanses everything so that the land becomes whole again. Awesome.

    Such fertile ground brings bumper crop
    my soil and soul with life imbued
    your fellowship is flood stage top
    as it flows forth the land's renewed.
    It makes me think of pure things such as friendship. The idea of fellowship. A group that comes together for one purpose.

    I love this poem. It is peaceful and flows really well. I think you have done an awesome job on this formed poem!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Meme

    You made sure that we all flow to the same direction, the Godfather of our club, the voice of wisdom that echoes in every corner.

    Loved the poem Larry, loved the thoughts and emotions that are put into it.

    May we all flow together.
    Bless you <3

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is very enticing and heart warming. Using nature gives it a more homely aura. This is an exquisite piece from the, 'Noble and Prolific Poet for poets'. I thought using the 'g' in God is better and preferable in upper case not lower case. I love this, it should win. We flowing together is moving and lovely. Magnificent.

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Larry, I loved this piece.

    It was so warming to read,
    and I love the title so much too.

    I like how you did this in a Kyrielle form, worked well, and loved the imagery alot as well.

    You are the godfather of the club, and you always pen amazing pieces, like this one, I just love it :)

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Larry, this poem is magnificent. I like that you wrote a different form, Kyrielle, which I never heard of until now... and I can tell how it's a challenging structure but well done! You not only wrote a great poem, but you followed a complex structure, and I think that's really wonderful.

    I really like the line that you chose as the refrain. It really put the poem together. Great job!

    I'm honored to be part of the lovely club you describe in this poem <3 it's nice to have you as our Godfather! =)

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    Kyrielle is a difficult format. The repetition can weaken the whole poem but yours are full of beauty and added such a charm. Bravo my friend. Flawless piece.