Witchy witch witch

by Lonely Rider   Feb 21, 2012

Rising to the darkness,
flashing a crooked grin,
cacophonous song,
echoes of Halloween
Breeze trapped in her,
wired knotted hair,
desperately looks on ,
a moon so fair,
blunders soon follow,
no matter how smart she acts,
feigning innocence,
she turns pumpkin into rats,
her maid is absconding,
since the day she learned a hex
to transform humans into
purring purple cats.

** This was actually a shape poetry written for a dear friend lovingly called as chudel or witch ;) . My friends gave me the task to write a shape poetry on her :P
It's tough to allign words in P&Q editor , do have a look at my shape poetry here :D



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  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Chudel would be proud of you... :)

    Beautifully written, you shared so much about your friend.... :)

    Great write

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    You do great in shape poetry :)

    And your blog.. it's awesome.

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    A great flow, and a nice descriptive read. You seem to be able to write anything with ease. Well done my friend

  • 13 years ago

    by Jad

    I enjoyed the poem and I think the topic is very interesting and you did a great job with the vivid descriptions in the poem. You had a good steady flow throughout the poem though I believe the form made it harder to read and the flow would get off a little. However you did very well with this challenge and I believe you did a good idea at describing what you did about the witch giving us plenty of details.

    In all, I really liked the poem and I really liked form poetry and I think you did a great job with it and it looked really neat. I hope you continue to write with this talent. Great job and keep writing!

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    She sounds like a good witch, lol, using her hexes to turn humans into purple purring cats. I can see that image now. I wish we could see the shapes on this site, that is a big wish for lots of people.