Comments : The Rape And Ruin Of Children (A Childrens Poem)

  • 13 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Wow it's a good very imaginary poem! very good a 5/5 from me!

  • 13 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Wow it's a good very imaginary poem! very good a 5/5 from me!

  • 13 years ago

    by Shadow

    Wow that was really good

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is a good poem and is about such a deep issue that you have expressed well. However I do think you could give it more justice by making a few changes.

    Firstly I would punctuate the poem so the reader knows when to break the sentences up instead of having to figure that out on their own. Use some comma's and full stop's at the end of the lines to break this up.

    "a long moment. a pause. a sigh"

    - to create more power in this line i would make them into seperate lines so they read....

    A long moment.
    A pause.
    A sigh.

    of taking these children last shred of will

    - this line stumbled me because of the grammer mistake. Children should read children's because you are talking about somethinng which belongs to them.

    I liked the first piece of writing but stumbled a lot in the second part of this. I didn't understand the line :

    i new breed of writer

    - I wonder if you made an erroer on this?

    Over all I think the idea of this poem was very good. Using the idea of a cat is brilliant and can relate to ritual abuse as this often happens with that. You can also take from this piece of writing the confusion a child can go through and what would happen if they were to tell of a cat friend abusing them - they would sound crazy. I think you created a powerful piece of writing here but with some changes could make it lots better.

    Well done.