Comments : Connected

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    Beautiful piece. One soul in two bodies.Completeness is in it.

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    One soul two bodies :) you got it Karla
    this is a poem straight from that quote, its' the essence of what it means.


  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh Mercy...... what an elegant piece....
    True connection= priceless... Beautiful poem Liz~

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    I really liked this poem:)

    we two are one
    this statment ended the poem perfectly:)

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    You would cut
    your skin without
    detection and
    the marks would
    end up on my flesh.

    ----- I like this part because to me sounds like that person may have cut due to an accident
    and since you two are link then those cuts can be imprinted in your flesh too.

    ( two bodies in one soul ) <3

    Connected by our
    emotions we would often
    wake up from our slumber
    and wonder if we had
    the same dream...

    We did.

    --- This stanza also tells me the same ( one soul in two bodies)
    Identical, made for each other. Even the dreams are the same. But you know this one actually makes me think that the dreams or rather images might have been different, but the end result would be the same.

    I've never known
    to be so in tune
    with another person
    the way I am with you.

    --- Soul mate comes to my mind and I find that so beautiful.

    Comparable to
    the elements of nature,
    being linked to the very
    core by the earth's soil,

    we two are one.

    ---- The whole idea is base on one soul in two bodies. I just love how you were able to come up with different ideas to say the same thing. That's incredible.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This so so sweet and beautiful. How both lovers are attached to each other that they hardly realise their actions unknowingly conveys their love story. I love it, simple and straight to the point yet very strong impact. What a tale of 'The Lovebirds' i must say. This is definition of two hearts beating simultaneously but spontaneously too. I likey alot. Blessings to you, Cheers!. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    How romantic <3

    I like how the author has depicted the idea of two souls being embodied in a single body. Well, it is alot about being synchronized in love and spirit. But a cut being carved on ones body appearing on another's is quite a beautiful thought. And it also indicates the obvious that, one partner in emotional pain, affects the significant another as well.

    Brilliantly written.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    I guess what I like the most about this poem is how true it is. Not in the way that if two people were to feel that strongly for another that they'd be connected, but that you and your love are actually that connected.

    I think that the first stanza tells so much more than what it might seem after the first read. I doubt that you are actually refering to the physical pain, but mainly emotional, that you'd suffer with your love if he did and that you are willing to go through everything he has to experience.

    The same dream, yeah I remember you mentioning that somewhere and as absurd as it may sound it is possible, which is probably explained by both of you thinking about the same things and because both of you share your experiences. I've once read somewhere that dreams are put together by nightly sensations, daily and past experiences, and desires. Most of that is equal or at least similar to both of you.

    I love the sound of the third stanza because it emphasizes its message very well.

    Overall I think it is a heartfelt and beautiful poem.

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    All your pieces are mesmerizing... the way you move freely between stanzas... I cannot write like that, with such marvelous unrestricted way.

    you go Liz !