Hi,my name is megan

by Lucky2BeDifferent   Feb 22, 2012

Hi, my name is Megan.
This is who I truly am.
I am broken and damaged goods.
I am vengeful if you hurt me.
I know that I don't belong.
I stand my ground, even though on the inside I have already given up.
I don't forgive.
I don't trust anyone anymore.
I envy the ideal "perfect family", because mine will never come close.
I don't do drugs anymore.
I don't drink anymore.
I don't want any friends, because it's easier to be alone.
I stopped getting into fights, because I have more respect for myself than to try to prove to someone for their own private thrill.
I question everyone's motives.
I am big on respect.
I have been called every single provocative or insulting name you could call me.
I know I do things that I shouldn't.
I am very defensive.
And I tend to be pessimistic.
I always expect the worst, that way when it happens it's less disappointing.
Sometimes I act on impulse.
I desperately want to forget all the pain in my life.
I don't have a clue how I will end up.
I don't have time for anymore disappointment.
I want a family of my own one day.
I am very independent.
I don't rely on anybody for happiness.
I never just let anything go, because I ALWAYS get even.
I am strong-willed.
I don't back down for anything, especially if I'm determined.
I believe I will be one hell of an auto mechanic.
Almost everybody doesn't believe in me, but I am determined and to hell with everyone then.
I talk to people who don't judge me without knowing me first.
And this is me, for the world to know.
I have done things to be ashamed of and I have done things that I regret.
I have done things that I should be sorry about but I am not.
I will not lie about who I truly am to anyone, but myself sometimes.
Everything listed above is true and it's me, and I sure as hell will admit it.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Eduardo Lazalde

    I know... I wish things would be different, you should read some of my work, you and i, are not to different

  • 12 years ago

    by Girl of Conviction

    Yes :] it is who you are

    great writing :]

  • 13 years ago

    by Reaper

    It's who you are :) 5/5