Rape (my story)

by Salina Is Beautiful   Feb 22, 2012

I remember you took me to the park
It was nothing but dark
You touched me in the wrong place
Like it was some kind of race
I told you to stop
But you didnt because i was your prop
I was so scared
You didnt care
That memory is now left in my head
That will always be the night i dread
I was left crying
But you didnt care i felt like i was dying


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  • 11 years ago

    by Broken tears

    Is this a true story?
    If it is, I feel so sorry for you!I've been mildly sexually assaulted.
    If it isn't, Great poem!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is a good and powerful poem about a horrific event. You have captured your emotions well and penned them very clearly.

    I have a suggestion to add a bit more power to the poem :

    I was left crying
    But you didnt care i felt like i was dying

    - the ending to your poem could be stronger by simply sperating the last line into two different lines like this :

    I was left crying
    But you didnt care

    I felt like i was dying.

    - For me this just puts emphasis on how much this affected you and the reader is left with that last statement knowing clearly how you felt during this awful time.

    Good job on this.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    I love that you wrote about your horrible experience... i understand your pain and hurt because ive gone through it many times... You captured the exact emotions almost perfectly. Truly splendid read my dear. 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Rape is so common here in South Africa- it sickens me . It is such a violent crime and rapists often walk free here . It breaks my heart .........because its not natural to violate another human being ........this is so touching . X

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    Good write. very short. very emotional. good poem.

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