
by Blissful   Feb 22, 2012

I can't recall a time
where I wished to
mute a blush
that rose without end
when your eyes
danced with mine.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Gorgeous piece! I am absolutely envious of your way with words.

    'Mute a blush"
    Such a fantastic use of words I love it!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Oh my How beautiful!!!!!
    /mute a blush// amazing ... for a moment I was blank as to what to comment. One of the best short pieces I have ever read. This simply blew me away.

  • 13 years ago

    by Melpomene


    This is one of those short simple and sweet pieces that express so much. I read one of Britt's poems last night and I called it gorgeous, your poem too was gorgeous. I've been really intrigued by short poetry lately, as I said to Nevi, it's probably because I suck at writing it but you expressed so much in so few lines, well done.

    The only thing that threw me off a little was "arose" I felt the 'a' was a little harsh and personally I would of changed it to 'rose but sometimes my language can be a little too archaic so if this is the way you prefer it that's fine. I just felt the flow to be a little smoother without the harsher 'a' sound contrasting against your softer sounding words.

    I really liked the word "mute" in a love poem, first time I've heard it and it was really strange to me that you used it. I guess because I place mute with sound however I did grasp what you were saying... to turn down a blush and make the shades less bright, really clever and cute imagery here.

    Nice poem, Blissy!

  • 13 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Dear you have managed to capture something very difficult to do in love poems. The essence of thought and feeling were portrayed easily in this. I normally despise love poetry because it is usually so cliche. You have done a wonderful job and I will definitely be adding this to my favorites.

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    I think I said aw and melted about 20 times throughout this tiny, adorable piece of poetry. Beautifully written!

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