It is soon spring the Vikings wakes once more

by Ole Carsten   Feb 22, 2012

Inside me something is growing

From the early days
We have been travelers
First on foot,
Later by boat.

Springs is coming
The ice is breaking up
Floods will soon run
And with it my heart

Inside me the line back in time
To forefathers is pulling me
I need to explore
To see what is behind the next curve

I am not setting sails
I did that when I was young
Packed the sails
Stored the food and sailed of

Now I pack the trunk
Secure the creditcard
Order a ferry ticket
Pure in gasoline and drive

Dirt roads, asphalt roads
Autobahn, highways
Climbing mountains
Steep valleys

High forests deep and dark
Soon the landscape is green
Friendly, and invites me in
New vignettes in the screen

Entering the new homeland
Still a little snow
But is rainy season now
Spring is here in me

Time to plant the offspring
Like in the old days
Far easier now
And I prefer love to old time habbits

I am soon thereafter many miles
I feel love and better weather is here
I sense you, like the wolf its flock
My heart is beating, ready for you


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Okay, but the sea ice is really melting early this year, grab the oar and sail off

  • 12 years ago

    by Odin Ebbesen

    I feel the same kind of spring fever, even you are very early this year

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