Comments : Aesthetically Spun (Tanka)

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Seen one tanka then now loads lol i love the challenge of formed poerty very well written :-)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness


    So powerful for such a short poem.

    The idea that you are entangled in someone's web and forever there eternally is brilliant.

    This is not a love that is to be enjoyed. The fact that you have written his venom is can be tasted on his strings is dark and powerful. The strings to me also mean the actual web as well as being held by a string. Being controlled by someone.

    Well done with the form as well as the poem itself.

    Awesome hun,


  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Great tanka gIrl :) they are amazing little forms just like the haiku's what a challenge.
    Loved it , keep em coming haha

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Great lines within such formed lines but yet conveying a strong message.

    Love is deaf, blind and dumb but never should it be dominative. It should be affectionate enough to be reciprocated with unconditional feelings not persistent stalking or dominance.

    Exquisite dear, you always rock with your formed poems, great flow too. Stay blessed, with love, :-}.

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    It's one heck of a title, first. I'm inspired, somehow :)

    And the content, powerful.

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    MEME !

    Tell me about original poetry ha~this is awesome piece my Celine Dion! Not only do you sing and charm, but you also write and impress.

    I loved how this was as deep as your voice, it's very well penned, with thoughtfulness.
    I love that its a poem to think of its meaning and to be read from between the lines.

    this was a very beautiful expression:
    twisted webs of love..SO true. makes me also
    think about tripping, falling, bout tricks etc
    stuff related to love somehow..
    and as if you were talking about someones ability to play it well, making games and win it.

    someone who's always wining the battles with you, and you're stuck.
    Trust me, we are only stuck, when we enjoy it !

    Well done, hats off

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow, Meme, is dark and moving... I absolutely loved it. In a short structured poem, you said so much with a few words. I think that's what makes tankas so meaningful.

    I really love your choice of words, I think they were perfectly chosen and made the poem so captivating. And wow, the part about tasting the venom-glazed strings left me in awe.

    I love your love poems, but this dark tanka shows how you are so great in all genres!

    Love it.. great job hon!

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    The title is so captivating, I came across it and thought "I have to read this" but was on my phone, now I have to say,
    You are one heck of a writer, Tanka's are always so strong because of the shortness of the piece and the emotions conveyed if done well

    This was expertly done, and such a moving piece, dark but just amazingly capticating, smooth flow and awesome ending

    I love this piece


  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Now this is a wonderful tanka!!!! the words used made me visualize being spun and wrapped in a web....seeing this person with a lizard tongue trying to bite me!! you managed to take the reader on a wild visualization in a very small form... and that is nice.. very nice... I'm sure the message is very deep...and I thank you for sharing this poem with us... awesome poem!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Great imagery gels well with title----brilliant Tanka