I want the truth for once

by BrOkeN ForEveR   Feb 23, 2012

Let's cut the bullshit
and get straight to the point
I'll tell you what I want
And you tell me what you want

No more bullshit lies
No more meaningless cries
No more cutting around the edges
Just get straight to the point
Tell me what the f**k it is that you want

I love you more then anything in this world
But that doesn't give you the right to pull my heart back and forth 
My patience is running out
And your excuses are getting old

If you want me to stay 
Tell me instead of pushing me away

I can sit here all day and tell you what I want
But without your help there's just no point !!!!


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  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Awwww wow I love this poem...just amazing

    5/5 you wrote this good(: