Comments : One-sided love...

  • 13 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    I do like this poem,

    I believe, however, what you are trying to convey to the reader could be said in much much smaller words.
    Poetry, in general, is about creating a picture in the readers mind in as little words as possible. Just remember, longer doesn't always equal better. In my personal opinion longer poems are MUCH MUCH harder to write.

    Now, i do Love what you have written, truly, its a beautiful piece. The only problem (my personal opinion on it, everyone is going to argue against me, I'm sure) is that you use your feelings to describe to much.

    ^ THat is not a bad thing... Feelings to describe poetry is very well But its much much harder to describe a feeling to create a picture then it is to describe a picture.

    Example: I feel alone... Thats pure f eeling. you know what the feeling is, but your not feeling it..

    Compared to..

    In the back corners of my mind i scream; insanity.

    You can feel that a bit more.

    Okay, thats a lot of my personal opinions.

    Thank you for sharing the piece and, although i believe a poem should be one way, you did great at writing it the way you like to write.
    So i still applaud you.

  • 13 years ago

    by E Dacaf

    Seems a bit long. I had to read it slowly to get the "Flavor" of it too. It has a great message. Believe me, had way to many onesided loves.

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    You know I truly do love this idea behind this poem...I dont mind the fact that your poem was long, however I did like the rhyme scheme you had the first two stanzas and it kinda through me off when you added more lines in your last few stanzas..the flow was off at the end. BUT! You still used great choices of words to describe your feelings. I like the question and how it was though provoking throughout the whole piece....

    The only problem in this situation is if the other person doesnt feel how you do in the end :/....

    Beautiful piece still!

  • 13 years ago

    by Lifeless Doll

    Lovely poem my dear, missed reading your writes:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    Nice poem the emotion is good
    and the flow was gr8

    5/5 good job

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    I really salute for your positive kind of the way, I was curious about the title and I know it is a common issue..but the thing I like the message here is the positive side for having a one sided love...I like your poem. Great work:))

  • 12 years ago

    by Chevalier des Fleurs

    This is such a wonderful poem, you have penned it so well. I really like how you explain how a one sided love can be beneficial because many people don't see things that way. The rhyming was well written and had such nice detail on the emotions. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Let not the Start, overwhelm you. Every Beginning, shades a truth.

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    I agree with some of the other comments, There is a great message in here and truly a great poem, but it is clouded by too many words used, you could cut some down to help the flow.
    also every stanza apart from 1 is 4 lines, you have 1 5 which interupts the pace somewhat.
    Your emotion and passion in is this is very clear, you cannot fault this at all.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is so sweet and romantic. I loved how you described the feeling of love from the 1st meeting to how it'll gradually blossom. You know, you've said it all rightly, from the deep recess mind of an experienced. *winks*. You don't have to be fully inlove and been dating for a while to realise how much your partner means to you. Love is an unfathomable emotion that can't be described. A little stare, in each others presence, walking in silence together or just stalking each others thoughts in silence. Those build up your feelings and spark off your love for one another. Hence, it'll gradually be shrouded with affection from both of you. Love a beautiful experience is very much worthwhile if with the right person. Lets cherish moments shared and be each others strength. Its a two way ride. A good and inspiring read. I believe all lovers can relate to this and shoulde be read and enjoyed all!