When soft voices die

by Schrodingers cat   Feb 23, 2012

Unfathomable sorrow.
For the pain and the anguish that we borrow.
This murky world will make you suffer.
Its onto you how you make yourself tougher.
Not for the peace and content of this materialistic planet,
But for the sake of your bruised soul.
When soft voices die,
Do not let the banters take a toll onto you and cry.
Wrapped in the drappery of warm tears.
Giving an extra slice of kudos to fears.
Broken and withered heart.
Unheard silence and scream of anguish.
Dont let your bruised and battered soul to take the better of you.
Rather break the fence of brutality.
Stomp the face of insecurities.
Break the chains of miseries.
Dont let your soft voices die.
Or else you will have to face the dark side of your life.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Unfathomable sorrow.
    For the pain and the anguish that we

    Great start. Really powerful.

    This murky world will make you suffer.
    Its onto you how you make yourself

    I agree, although this world seems so hopeless, we still have a choice. But change 'onto' to 'up to'

    Not for the peace and content of this
    materialistic planet,
    But for the sake of your bruised soul.

    To me, the message i read here is that we should not be hypocrites but live life true to yourself, not to impress others..

    When soft voices die,
    Do not let the banters take a toll onto you
    and cry.
    Wrapped in the drappery of warm tears.

    This part really stands out. Very inspirational. We should not give up. But drappery should be drapery.

    Dont let your bruised and battered soul to
    take the better of you.

    'To' is unnecessary, in my opinion.

    Stomp the face of insecurities.
    Break the chains of miseries.
    Dont let your soft voices die.
    Or else you will have to face the dark side
    of your life.

    The ending is also powerful. And the reusing of lines made it more powerful. I honestly think this should be in the 'inspirational poems' category 'cause it really inspired me not to give up. Yes, this tells of a hopeless and dying world but your words were inspiring.

    Great job 5/5 Keep writing :)


  • 13 years ago

    by Schrodingers cat

    Thanks baby Demon :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Whispy.Gypsy

    Wow great poem good message to put through 5/5

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