
by Ole Carsten   Feb 24, 2012

Clashed in open air

Above us a yearly turning point
The is packing for holiday
Soon it says goodbye and leave
Thanks for now take care

Our winter is tired and needs rest
Your are leave us with frost and ice
Buildings ruined by heavy snow
Tons of chaos and despair

Welcome spring and green leaves
Flower small and fine, anemones
Snowdrop and daffodils
Fragrances deep and hard, unexpected

Birds singing again, filling new sounds in us
Hummingbirds are busy in midair
The sun is still a bit pale and rusty
We are longing for full heat

Summer sun fills us with you magic
Turn our skin into summer dresses
Tanned colors suit us better
That pale white winter dresses

Brown is our skin during summers naked plays
Running on the beaches cooling our self'
Swimming for miles in open sea
Refreshing fruits and berries in the forest

Goodbye summer see you soon
Good day fall so colorful greeting us
From winter deep.
Telling us to collect a lot
Prepare us for the coming snow


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  • 12 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Thanks for your comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Odin Ebbesen

    I love the changing seasons during a year, and I feel for all changes in life, and maybe that is your point

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