
by Rihanna   Feb 24, 2012

By Rihanna

I live in pain
I can no longer stay strong
Maybe tomorrow
I'lll be able to move on

Nothing is changing
It's like my life is slowly
My soul is draining
And I'm slowly dying

Peoples lives will be better
The sooner I die....

never having met freedom's purity
Falling down
Dying of sadness....



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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    It's beautiful... so is pain
    I love it 5/5


  • 12 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    A very inclusive poem, but i feel it needs something to round it off not quite sure what. other than that its captivated to the readers thoughts :)


  • 13 years ago

    by beapolkadot

    This is tragically beautiful. Great job.

    5/5 :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lifeless Doll

    A very sad poem yet very emotional good job girl :)

  • 13 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    The flow was so awesome until the last part why did you change it, it was going along so smoothly and then the last part came. it was like you were trying to get fancy. don't do that keep it simple like a john lennon song. remember this is only one opiion don't let me change anything you think is right or better im just talking about me.but ni hope i can be honest and help you in the end. i have change some things about my poems and i also said bite me i like it so you do whAT you like but i still think something happen that change this poem at the end

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