Pain in pleasure

by broken sword   Feb 24, 2012

A THOUGHT like a flower upon mine heart,
And drew around it other thoughts like bees
For multitude and thirst of sweetnesses;
Where at rejoicing, I desired the art
Of the Greek whistler, who to wharf and mart
Could lure those insect swarms from orange-trees
That I might have with me such thoughts and please
My soul so, always. foolish counter part
Of a weak man's vain wishes !While I spoke,
The thought I called a flower grew nettle-rough
The thoughts, called bees, stung me to festering:
Oh, entertain (cried Reason as she woke)
Your best and gladdest thoughts but long enough,
And they will all prove sad enough to sting !


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  • 11 years ago

    by Rose

    Great poem

  • 12 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Weekly contest, judge comment:

    A powerful poem that I may have scored higher save for a coupe grammatical errors, in fact I normally discount poems for the weekly contest if they have such, but I found this poem quite unique in the way it has been constructed, it's almost like they were planned ,adding to the character of the piece intentionally or otherwise (other than suchthoughts). Yes the purists may disagree, but in this instant I bask in the purity behind this poem..

  • 12 years ago

    by broken sword

    Thanks hellon i will try hard to correct it. .

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    You have a few errors here...grammar wise but...I just loved this one so much I'm overlooking them right now....if you have the chance...go back and edit this one..still...I'm nominating was lovely... sad as a mayfly's last journey...