GOD you know I'm sorry,
For the years that passed,ignoring YOU by my side.
For the days that lost,that I'd never given YOU a chance.
And when I say I don't need YOU,YOU knew it is a lie.
GOD I know I love YOU.
In my heart I need YOU but my mind is pushing YOU away.
Acting like an idiot,feeling like living alone.
I had never live alone as lonely as can be.
But without YOU LORD by my side Iam empty.
GOD I thank YOU.
I have sinned and yet you forgive me.
YOU wash my tears away as I accept and embrace YOU.
I never had a feeling of contentment as I had by your side.
I never want to walk again alone in the darkest of life.
Now that I found YOU,I will stay forever.
For under YOUR care I have found my PEACE......