Spring Fever

by Maple Tree   Feb 25, 2012

Slithered under a blanket of snow
scribbling profanity, as snow crystals
criticized my abandonment to frolic.

Stood In amazement as I analyzed
a clear path to nowhere, wicked woods
call unto me, beckoning me to retreat.

How I ache for springtime to lace
flower petals across my droopy eyelids
reviving a frozen soul, rebirth of a smile.

Until the first bloom of an orchid
it shall be my quest to soothe
a restless spirit, eagerly watching

from my bedroom window....


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  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love the way you connect the seasons outside to your emotions.

    x beautiful.

  • 13 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    Something about this poem is different. To me i feel like the meter is read faster then most poems (Yes i read my poems in meters heh) The quickness of the poem is beautiful because it shows how quickly you can lace out a landscape for me to see. I understand quite well what you describing and it amazing me how well you can pen that.

    This piece is just amazing because of how well your description is, and for the piece, its even amazing how well you can use this to evoke ones own memories and understanding...

    I believe thats where the beauty of this piece comes in, your ability to not only write out what you see... But to evoke the memories i have and create feelings that way. I can almost see it.

    Thank you~! this was a very well write

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Beautiful, I love the birth of new vegetation, when it peaks through melting snow, it's faith that the sun will warm it can't be compared

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Ooohh!! Andrea, you pen magnificent poems fused with natures finest. I'm really speechless. Was blushing all through, while reading your piece.

    Longing for the fresh raining season is overwhelming. This is just too much and I'm out of words to praise this poem and the poet, 'The Terrific Poetess, Andrea.

    Gods blessings be with you and your family. Hats off to you, KUDOS! :-}.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    The title really cought my attentio:)

    Slithered under a blanket of snow
    scribbling profanity, as snow crystals
    criticized my abandonment to frolic.
    thus opening stanza is strong, its my fav stanza.

    Great poem Andrea:)