I lost a poem

by *emmax*   Feb 27, 2012

I poured out my heart
my fingers bled on the key board
they penned the depth of my heart

I wrote and I wrote
wept bitterly to no end
still my fingers bled
bled blood red
bled my heart out

I gushed out myself
poured out my being
wrote a poem of the soul
bled my fingers to bit

I hit submit poem
it showed a blank page
my poem was gone
at the click of a button
just gone

how shall I bleed again
the way that I did?
poetry is a spring
waters that cannot be tamed
if they are gone they are gone

I lost my poem


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  • 13 years ago

    by *emmax*

    After I lost it, I wrote poetry and I then I lost a poem!it really hurt you know coz it was just a spurt of inspiration that came suddenly out of nowhere!

  • 13 years ago

    by Whispy.Gypsy

    Aww at least u made this one out of it!

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