Comments : For you and I

  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Something very different yet it has a touch of gentle love.

    Let me sing you a song dear,
    of moors wide and skies clear,
    of love that reside in amber rays,
    wild blossom and butterfly plays,

    ^This is such a lovely opening to your poem. The words here I feel are welcoming and warm with love..liked this part!

    of struggling spiders in silver web,

    ^Strange, I never thought a spider would struggle in its own web but it does give a picture of thought for the reader.

    kohl eyed deer and rabbits fuzzy,

    ^I like this image of a khol eyed deer it reminds me of a beautiful young maiden..another lovely image!

    of heart thumping with crazy dreams
    silent nights and crystal stream,
    the music my dear would echo still,
    in your heart remember, if you will.

    ^The ending I feel has a bit of romance which asks the loved one to remember the times together..perhaps..?

    All in all I enjoyed this read and its always these short poems that hold more weight and emotion..keep penning!

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Raj, if these are random thoughts, they fit together to make one of the best poems you have written or at least that is my opinion. For some reason I have the image of a young girl dancing around a meadow, singing these lines with a big smile on her face. Well done and maybe more random thoughts are in order.

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    If you really call it 'random thoughts'...then please share some more of those. I really loved the simplicity and raw finish of this piece.

    Yes...i could still hear the song.

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Your random thoughts exceed the ones I work so hard to put to paper.
    Creative, smooth and awesome
    you Never disappoint the reader Raj

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    So much has already been said. Loved the tone you used in this piece, how you just want to impress your love and show them care with lots of things you want to do for them. Brilliant

  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    Like it lonely rider the words are beautiful and tasteful great poem

  • 13 years ago

    by Hellon

    Let me sing you a song dear,
    of moors wide and skies clear,
    of love that reside in amber rays,
    should be resides

    wild blossom and butterfly plays,
    I think it should be butterflies play?

    of struggling spiders in silver web,
    footprints on the receding ebb,
    of smiles dripping with blueberry,
    kohl eyed deer and rabbits fuzzy,
    of heart thumping with crazy dreams
    silent nights and crystal stream,^
    This one I'll leave up to you. I think streams would sound better because you have both moor and sky in plural further up and you also use nights in this line...also plural?

    the music my dear would echo still,
    in your heart remember, if you will.

    Just some very minor errors that caught my eye. The poem itself is very beautiful and you have created some wonderful imagery throughtout the whole verse.

    Loved the poem and loved your little piano's so cute!!!

    Congrats on your win....very worthy of the front page.

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    One of the prettiest and best rhyming poems I've read in some time- This elegant piece is filled with romance, enchanting nature tones and fun, exciting words that dance within each line. Such a flow and rhythm, like a song. I love your word usage as well.

    "of smiles dripping with blueberry"
    ^^^^ love this line!

    I can picture two lovers sitting at the piano, with their hearts filled with love, singing along with each other, all goggle-eyed with warm smiles.

    I find this really captivating and think it's wonderful how the author got inspired by the beautiful paper piano that she created. What a precious and sweet poem. Well done Lonely Rider (4)


    Thoughts not so random, as they blend into a reverie of nature from the eyes of one whose love opens wonders for others to see and appreciate. The poem takes the reader on a journey down from the sky, to broad views and then to the focus of a single person, reveling in the simple joy of blueberries on a warm afternoon. Finally, the journey continues inward to the comfort of loving memories shared with a confidante. (10)

  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Congrats on the win Raj :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    One of the prettiest and best rhyming poems I've read in some time- This elegant piece is filled with romance, enchanting nature tones and fun, exciting words that dance within each line. Such a flow and rhythm, like a song. I love your word usage as well.
    "of smiles dripping with blueberry"
    ^^^^ love this line!
    I can picture two lovers sitting at the piano, with their hearts filled with love, singing along with each other, all goggle-eyed with warm smiles.
    I find this really captivating and think it's wonderful how the author got inspired by the beautiful paper piano that she created. What a precious and sweet poem. Well done Lonely Rider

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Very beautiful and sweet!!!