Comments : Drakaina Lamia

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Lu, The title really caught my attention for it's uniqueness,
    I understand it is based a round a queen who became a child eating demon, that's dark and mysterious,

    I love the wording, strong and powerful and very original

    You really did a great job on this, I love the emphesis on empty wombs, powerful piece


  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    This was another poem for the contest I never picked from you. I guess it was the darkness, I see you write love poems, sad poems but rarely do I see you take on darkness in a mythological sense so I was pleasantly surprised! Of course I know about the Lamia and I really liked that you included the 'she-dragon' (Drakaina) term in the title, not sure why but it drew me in a little more.

    I'm also really surprised to see you rhyming but it was really effective. You know it's rare for me to enjoy a poem that rhymes but in this sense it added to the poem as it worked well with the mythological tale, the flow reminded me of one you would read in one of those great tales.

    What I liked with this poem was the way you added a lot of facts, it was the story of the Lamia and yet you made it a poem and you made it your own. I hate poems that are just fact after fact, if I wanted to read that I'd pick up a book you know what I mean? You didn't do this, as someone who has studied the Lamia it's really evident just how much this topic became your own
    I don't have anything constructive to say, you did an excellent job with all the foundations of poetry.
