Happy birthday

by The Poet Behind The Poems   Feb 28, 2012

In a room of pure darkness i pick up my pen ,
my trembling hand wipes away the mascara stained eyes
as i begin to remember the short time we shared

Every year since you got taken away from me,
i write out a card to remember the day our eyes
connected and hands touched as our hearts became one

When i look up,and the stars light up the midnight sky
i wonder if you will forever be shinning among them
or if your the star that will fall to earth and be reborn

As the memory of you pours from my eyes i seal the
enverlope knowing it will never be read , i hope everyday
you hear the silence i speak at night,praying one day you

get the chance you never had ...

Happy birthday my little angel
ill be back next year.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    When I seen the title, I was like eh... I dunno if I want to read this, but I opened it... and I'm blown away. This is so original, like others said... and it's just amazing. So heartbreaking, though. I can feel the emotion and can imagine sitting there writing a note on a birthday card to someone who can never read it, but it's something you need to do each year just to cope. Ahh, adding this to my favorites!

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    My heart feels heavy... such a heartbreaking piece... well written and the flow was wonderful.... For me, I feel honoring birthdays is a spiritual blessing... whether they are here among us or smiling within the stars.... I really adore this poem....

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow, this piece is, wow. I love the way you show that the person is gone, but don't say how or why. I love the way the emotion is shown so clearly and is very strong, and emanates out to the readers so that they feel some pain too, in a way... if that even makes sense in the way I mean it, but can't explain it. The style is very well chosen. The message is so great, and this piece is absolutely stunning. The final stanza would have to be my favorite, and I am very glad I got to read such a great poem.



  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    This poem touched me.

    I can see you there crying writing a birthday card that once again will go unread. I love thisz such a sad sweet poem. Shows how much they mean to you and how they never got a chance


  • 13 years ago

    by Meme

    I agree with Abed, so original. Who would ever think of sad birthdays? I just got a different prespective from this poem.

    The sadness echos with every word, I honestly could taste the bitterness of the sad emotions all through.

    Fantastic job.

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