Comments : Puncture.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Very graphic imagery for such a short piece. Each line "sucked" me in and left me with a smile thinking...Yes! This is the good stuff. An awesome and strong poem-Very nice Bliss. Definitely worth the read!

  • 13 years ago

    by Melpomene


    When I read this I was like WHAT where is this coming from. I'm usually always saying you write sweet love poems however this ... I was thinking Bliss you kinky thing you lol!

    While this prompt was in regards to Dracula it reminded me more of a lust driven night, or a lust driven romance even; two lovers who are enjoying the company of each other in more of a physical way. Fangs can easily represent teeth of a human, the neck is a sensitive spot for most lovers and of course the image of the tongue and the lips ... we both know what that means.

    This poem was really exotic rather than kinky as I joked above. It had those elements, the craving, the desperate need to taste and touch one and other. It was nice to see you step outside of your usual poetry a little here and after all that's what prompts are about.

    Nice job

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Omg ! What a short yet brilliant write !.......cause envy in the reader :) good sensory words .....making it so real 'crave' sets the tone ........'Fangs' 'sunk' 'draw' wipe' .......'With my tongue 'beautiful write

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh I love this!!!! Dracula would be pleased!! What a dark, seductive poem... awesome piece~

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    That will make Dracula sizzle :) nice one

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Nice one, I was like this when I started reading O_O. And at the end I understood why it said Fangs. lol. I'm a bit slow. This was a great write. Short and to the point.

  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Puncture - I failed to anticipate the theme of this composition based upon just the title. Although, that in itself is amusing to me.

    Going through this composition, it creates a case not extremely precise. Yes, the general theme is "forbidden love" between a female and a creature of the night, Dracula in this case. But the female could actually be volunteering to submit to the creature as a victim, based on pure lust/attraction. Or the female could, actually, may have carried out the same process earlier and is craving yet again to engage in a romantic submission. I guess I'm over thinking.

    Here the title fits the poem. Protruding fangs inserted into the skin, puncturing it. The most common area for inserting fangs is the neck because of the sensuality it creates and because of. . well. . its an easy access to ample blood. Then Dracula will do the usual, that is draw the blood and drink it. And what is left on its/his lips will be wiped with the females tongue. Creates a hauntingly beautiful image, does it not?

    But let me add. The poem is short and perfectly dictates the scenario and brings about the depth, of forbidden/taboo love in such few lines. The poem is precise even if my interpretation or my attempt to explain it may not be appropriate or may be satisfactory.

    Very well written.