La Vie En Rose (Acrostic)

by Meme   Mar 1, 2012

Lull me until I fall into the
Arms of your world.

Veil my eyes with rose petals,
Incite my senses to a road of
Endless possibilities. But ..

Excuse my innocence before
Narcotizing my thoughts.

Revive my grey reality with
Orbits of merry pink ribbons
Sweep me off my feet until I'm
Enchanted in a la vie en rose.

© Copyright 2012 by: gIrL


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  • 12 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    "Life through rose- colored glasses", "Life in pink", "Seeing the world through rose- colored glasses", eh, however which way you like it, lol, to me this is one awesomely crafted poem, words so lovely youll really feel like youre reading them through rose- colored glasses, lol. Really enjoyed this, wonderful. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    I like reading Acrostic, but this one was different. Its amazing I loved it, and enjoyef reading it:)
    Perfectly written:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I read this poem for Larry and Hellon's contest and I really enjoyed it, I had no idea who wrote it but I was desperate to find out. Acrostics aren't the easiest thing to write but you made it seem simple. It was a pleasure writing against you in the challenge!

    Straight away the title interested me, French is a language I recognize but don't see often on this site, if it all. Do you speak fluent French? or did it just interest you. The title sparked that question for me.

    I was most fond of the soft words used throughout the poem. I love Lull and veil, both very sensual. I'd never have thought to view someones eyes with rose petals, I liked the symbolism here.

    You enticed the senses here, relaxed me and made me crave the scene of roses strangely enough.


  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I usually hate acrostics, most make no sense just words gathered to conform to the format. But this was beautiful. The best I have read in a while

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Well done with this form, it flowed well and the images were beautiful
