Comments : Coma [vent]

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Withdrawing from life and the world around us to escape the chaos, does imprison and in that prison there is nothing but that is not a way to live your life. The chaos of the world is part of learning, growing, maturing and learning to deal with life.

  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Beautifully also sickens me to see what the world has come to these days, even hope for better dyays are long gone, as far as i am concerned. I really loved the third stanza how you just close your eyes and escape it all.

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    In a way your title gets the reader's attention and I can see how it relates. Its like wanting to shut your eyes from this dying world and not know another thing about it.

    everyone fighting for more
    more more more
    is that all there is?

    ^Very true, people nowadays keep thinking about how to gain more then to give back let alone help; for they all are becoming selfish and greedy!

    humanity sickens me
    the world keeps spinning

    ^When you hear and read of all the terrible things going on it does make a person feel sick and to know that this vicious cycle is not going to end!

    I close my eyes and tune it out.
    I go to a place of clarity and serenity
    even if it is all in my mind.

    ^Our mind are our sanctuary and the only place I guess we can hide away even if its just for a while for that is where peace lies..

    in my coma, there is nothing.
    no noise. no chaos. no people.

    ^Its a world of emptiness basically when one crawls into coma.

    Now that I have nothing,
    I resolve to be nothing.
    nothing to harm me.
    nothing to gain.


    devoid of emotion,
    clear of strife,

    yet a prison.

    ^True you might think you are free but by shutting yourself from this chaos we are putting ourselves within a prison, fearing to step out. This write leaves the reader with many things to think about..take care.

  • 12 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Everyday I get to read about such inhumane acts that i feel we have evolved from human into somethis despicable. I can understand the sentiments behind the poem and I share the same.

    /devoid of emotion,
    clear of strife,

    yet a prison.

    // the ending is brilliantly penned. even if we try to ignore, we can't.

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    If we dwell too deeply into society as it is, depression can darken our world. But which is better? oblivion, or clarity?
    An excellent poem, thought provoking, with a smooth flow of emotion

  • 12 years ago

    by Lost Soul

    Definitely on my favorites list now bud.