Just Plain Sorry(it's an appology poem ppl)

by La Reina De Corazones   Mar 2, 2012

I'm sorry that I used you to get what I wanted
Stepped on your soul just for my pleasure
Ripped your heart in two with my cruel demonic soul that didn't care

Misery consumes my whole being
Darkness clouds the sky as my tears come out of hiding
Laying on the ground and I can only say "I'm sorry" only so many times

Truly sorry for what I've done I can only pray that you forgive
This love triangle has made us all blind to the truth and has hurt everyone in it
Life was so much easier when we were children we didn't even know the true emotion that is called love


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Mello193

    Very said. lots of raw emotion. great job like always, and keep writing!

  • 13 years ago

    by Pain

    I like the way u put the words

  • 13 years ago

    by WanderingShade

    My honest opinion is... this poems meaning is amazing but you didn't leave a lot to imagination you explained to much and didn't let your words speak the emotion but rather tried to explain the emotion with words...

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    Awww its sad
    The reader can feel how much ur sorry:)
    But a really well written poem:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Yes one can say sorry then the person must forgive us or not . When you are sorry God has already forgiven you and you can start over .:)

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