
by WanderingShade   Mar 2, 2012

Everything I do,
Everything I see,
Everything I touch,
Reminds me of you...

I find it hard sometimes,
To move throughout the day,
Without you seeming to look my way,
Cause everything reminds me of you...

I've found myself waking with a start,
After hours of looking for a trace of you,
Knowing I've lost you forever,
Cause everything I did drove you away...

Every smell in the air,
Every song that plays,
Every thought that passes,
Brings you back to mind...

I'm dying a little inside...
Looking at these pictures again...
Seeing your false smile...
And remembering the real ones we shared...


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I love this poem, it is by far one of the greatest poems I have ever known or read. You did a really grear job at this, fantasic, 1000000/1000000

  • 12 years ago

    by WanderingShade

    Why do i need imagery?

  • 13 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    It's very pretty and the emotion is very raw but u could've done a lot more imagery

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I think that the message here is extremely clear as is the emotion. I mean I this piece is stunning, as usual, but somehow it is missing something; I just can't tell what. Lots of people could relate to this real well, I'm sure, that includes myself. So that is one skill you have seemed to master. As for the technicalities of the piece, the flow is amazing, the style is phonominal, and the thought process seems perfect. However, the word choice seems a little bit bland, it did its job in expressing you, though it was unable to move me, or give me reason to praise it. The last stanza, about smiling is by far my favorite, the imagery enveloped in the sadness just spoke to me in a way, I guess that's how I can say it.

    Thank you for writing such a magnificent piece. I hope to see more from you soon.

    I gave this piece a 4/5