Midnight Epiphany

by Maple Tree   Mar 4, 2012

I long to gambol
upon emerald
shades of green

Within my leisure,
simply dwelling,
In breathtaking darkness

Dew drops devour
a gossamer design,
sweet spun silk

Intertwining enchanting
moonbeams under
a midnight sky

Lissome leaves falling
so elegantly upon
my hypnotized smile

Opulent shades of
Iridescent stars complete
my somber eyes

Allowing me to breathe
In beauty, becoming
one with nature....


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I always feel at peace when I read one of your nature poems. This is simply put, beautiful

    Great images!!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Ending Credits

    Oh my goodness!!! I definitely agree with Dagmar Wilson for one!

    & I must admit -
    When it comes down to it, seems to me that you're a good ol' peace-loving Hippy at heart. :) -Giggling-

    This is...AMAZING...and ethereal even. The imagery, the RADIANCE. Jeez, you're such a talented writer! I just admire your work ^_^


  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Inhaling the Beauty of Nature
    exhaling inner peace that's what I feel when I read your poem. Breathtaking.