Comments : And The Award Goes To ..

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    He rhyme adds to the shakespearean theme that all the world is a stage and finding the true self is challenging

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I love what ,michs said, most of all i really do love the fact that this us one of the unexpectable poems...didnt know where you were ging with it, i loved your ending so very romantic!
    The opening verses somehow reflect tints of the sadness i do find in you..esp when singing..that which you do NOT show in ur conversations! Hence the multiple characters made so much sense to someone as close to u as me!
    This is a very well written piece, i loved it, very diff! And very a reader i flet your emotions as tho were mine!

  • 13 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This was creative indeed, and flowed very well for a rhymed piece, I loved the rhymes, subtle as they were.

    The ending was beautiful and very inspiring, you really took the idea of us being actors and actresses and taking the idea of life being a theater and us changing our characters to fit the scene to great lengths, it was really well done

    Love you

  • 13 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    I felt this piece was very... Subtly sad yet had a lot of happiness in it... If that makes sense.

    In the first stanza you talk about how you are now a broken women.. see i feel that more then most guys probably, i feel as if...

    As if you were telling me just the type of person you are. Most people, i dont think, catch that... But its telling you SO MUCH of the type of person you are....

    TRULY... Then at the same time you have no clue how you will hold up the very next day..

    The second verse i feel flows off the first... It feels as if... Since you play that broken woman you never know exactly where you will be. One day you will be doing one thing while next it will be completely different... You are the woman that everyone relies on and takes for granted... A total sweetheart is what you TRULY are... But i guess i see you in the club so i know a different side of you haha...

    In the third verse i feel as if you take it EVEN Further saying how you take yourself into different characters.. Almost like different personalities... Each one ever so slightly different but always fitting what you need at that time.. You will always be THAT person everyone needs... Now saying you will always be that person is taking it a bit far but i feel like ive known you well enough to knwo exactly what you were thinking writing it... Wether it be something you intended or not.. You are someone who tries to be strong for your friends... You are a sweetie more then not. You try to help you friends... I feel this radiating off your poem and more so off the third stanza. Truly... TRULY...


    The fourth stanza makes me feel brought into you... I feel as though you take off all those fake acts you always do.. As if you are stopping pretending what you normally do.. Stopping being a sweetie... You take that makeup off and you be who you are... Weather it be depressed or happy... Weather it be stressed or fine.. You are you.... Nothing mroe nothing less and i feel that is what screams out of this piece...

    Then the next stanza kinda contorts it to a sadder piece saying tht this role that you have played is your last chapter, almost like giving up.. it almost break my heart knowing this because i know you from the club.. Its so sad... You are tuly sweet and so much more deserving... Fully..

    THen the last verse just brings it all together.. For almost a happy ending...

    But truly, hun, I just hope you know that YOU need to find happiness in yourself Before you find happiness in someone else.. Not to lecture you.

    But Truly..

    This piece is amazing.. Truly.. *hug* And everything i said is by my OWN perceptionT Thank you for sharing this poem. Your an amazing poet and so much more then you even realize :3

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    I read this in the morning. I really didn't feel like I should comment because I was speechless. But I'd like you to feel satisfied with my opinion because this piece in specific is one of the best I've ever read from you. First, so very original topic. And the rhymes... they leaped flawlessly, with no restrictions. It sounds like a song!

    I love the incorporation of acting, how you got so many oscars on the variety of roles you have played.

    And the part of the 'handkerchief and rose' is my best verse! I LOVE IT. The colors of white and red just turns this into a love piece.

    So I finally washed up those
    masqueraded eyes to see,
    that around him I have found
    the best version of me.

    ^ A totally original closing, so powerful, and the buildup to it is freakin' awesome.

    Brilliant, Meme! Keep your brilliance coming.

  • 13 years ago

    by RSJ

    This was one of your best poems for a while meme
    and the rhyming never fails you
    very creative.

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awwww this poem is so beautiful! I love the title of this poem and the theme, it was so amazing... I could relate in so many ways! It was like you were writing my thoughts.. sometimes I feel like an actress too, and that I can play so many different roles!

    I like how the ending was a surprise... I like how a person can bring out the best version of yourself... that was a really sweet ending.

    I love it! Great job <3 and the Oscar goes to YOU! =D

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this poem and I can so relate to it. Each stanza got better and better. The idea that you are playing these roles I am thinking that you are trying to hide your true feelings from others or you are trying to become what others want you to become.

    I think the rhyming was flawless and the images were awesome.

    This is going to my fav!

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    This poem was more then just a simple write. We all have roles that we play and almost hourly can change the theme for the moment. Women share the majority of this, from mother to , lover to friend and housekeeper.
    Finding someone that you can be yourself with is major.
    Enjoyable write

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This was so creative the idea is simply unique

    I love poems tht take you by surprize . i saw the tittle and alot of ideas went through
    i thought i wonder whats shes done with this piece
    I would never of guessed. somtimes you do feel as if you have to be diffrent in front of certain people somtimes even forgeting who you truly are.

    The poem it self was very well written i loved the word choice and the flow it all comes together perfectly.

    I dont no y but i feel as tho more could of been done with this idea a more deeper write into the speaker ... I think its just cause i see this as a sad poem oviously your endding isnt as she found her best version of her self in him ... anyway overall a very well written unique poem


  • 13 years ago

    by nouriguess

    It's been sooo long since I last read your poetry, due to the lack of time and the lack of credit, lol. But I am admiring your new style (I don't know if anyone noticed that your style has changed but I did!) I am on my phone now- so y'know I can't leave a real comment, just wanted to say that I truly loved this piece. Nice!