The Distance

by ty   Mar 5, 2012

I love you more than words can explain.

everyday i wake up,

and all i feel is pain.

im swimming against the tide.

please Lanae, wont you be mine?

i then remember our situation,

how it brings me such aggravation.

And as i walk alone thinking of the past

i remember when you were with me.

How every second with you seemed to last.

My hearts becoming dry,

as i lay in bed alone and cry.

and when i think of all the things you've said of late,

I feel im drowning in a lake.

I cant pretend that i dont care,

when you dont think about me.

Or how you rarely call anymore.

feels like being washed ashore

your presence made my vault-like life

open up and feel the light.

i grow cold without you

wondering when you will return.

i can hardly breath and my heart burns.

i am fearing for the love we had,

its all i want and i want it bad.

i want to breathe you in

and never let you go again.

Every minute of day and night

I want to be your guiding light

You make my words pour

make my mind go to war

Do you not know?

of my never ending desire?

i how i'd just sit and admire your beauty,

as you'd lay in bed radiating innocence.

how i wish to feel your skin against mine

to hold you once again

to embrace you.

i want to taste you,

your sweetness

to once again feel that completeness.

you have me shattered

and i just wish this mattered.

i know iv'e made a few mistakes,

but losing you i just cant take.

i want to hold you tight

and feel that everything's alright.

You are still my queen

and I will once again be your king.

my hope never dies. my love stays ever strong.

i shall wait for you

and keep you in my heart all along.

Love give me strength and strength help me through.

until later Lanae, just know i'll only love you.


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, that truly blew me away, I love long poems, and this was intense, it was like fire works, shooting up into the sky, deadly if you're not careful, but mostly it was like dyminate, powerful and dangerous, can cause so much pain, I admire how meaningful this poem is and adore your heart's expression in these lines, I love this poem

  • 12 years ago

    by Tina

    Excellent!!!! Love this one...

  • 13 years ago

    by Schrodingers cat

    Just one word...Wow!

  • 13 years ago

    by Tina

    I just fail to say in words how amazing ur poem is.Just Superb!!! :)