
by ghosts in bloom   Mar 7, 2012


unborn words encircle my neck with pointed consonants,
a heavy noose of relished feelings; venerable, frozen.

dead weight passions reflect upon a leaking spirit,
swallow - and the gravel splits my breath; twofaced.

what temporal cadence is this? it stutters with every mistake,
weaned of all truth between valleys; a stratus of hypocrisy.

once an adorned vestry, glowing with rubescent vessels,
now a tender remnant; empty before the starving sparrows.

nothing echoes in this cavern anymore.

(c) Novalyn Grace RR 2012
first creative writing I've done
in almost 11 months now.
it poured out of me.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Steven Croat

    Wonderful ideas...I loved your lines!
    Great well written poem!