Comments : Void

  • 13 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    I could just imagine the emptiness in this poem! ,, With the swirl of smoke drifting from the tea as someone sits with it in front of them feeling void, maybe not even drinking the tea but just sitting looking at it. It reminded me of the song " Streets of London" where the man sits " looking at the world over the rim of his teacup..."

    Well penned Raj! :D
    ~ Olwin :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    The image is clear for me but not sure I would call it an image. A space fills with the scent of something familiar and then before you can blink an eye it is gone and the emptiness is back. This is much like the feelings and emotions I have had lately after my husbands death, a word or phrase or scent or picture will trigger a memory and then it is gone as fast as it appeared and only the emptiness remains. Well done.

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Awesome, scents like tea or coffee etc can leave the soul feeling empty or sad because of past experiences..this was short and brilliant

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I so love this!!!

    I love the image of how emptiness speaks. I believe this is true as the silence can say nothing at all but mean so much. Silence can speak for itself. I think you have done well with this and loved it!


  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Wow..i dont know what to say...three lines and yet big in meaning. Well written.

  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    This poem it really does describe emptiness very well, this void. . . it's so short and very descriptive, I absolutely love this :) the poem is definitely not empty though

  • 12 years ago

    by Kuro

    Im adding this to my favorites. absolutely wonderful. i know exactly this very feeling. so hard to describe. the only way is by how you found it. 5/5