Wine and Everything Else

by sibyllene   Mar 10, 2012

All through the evening I chase you
from couch, to wall, to floor,
after three years aching
for the touch of your shoulder, cotton warm
against my bare arm. You laugh
at a joke I didn't say, and here
I'm always
with my eyes
reeling you in
like red yarn.
There is a distance
I'm afraid to test, a stretching of
time and love I cannot bring
myself to breach.

I watch him braid her hair.
It's clumsy and sweet, and I feel
the touch tugging me, softly,
to the root.

Wine is too sweet against my tongue,
the music too loud, too sad, I'm drifting and
I anchor in the sound of my name,
held gently in your mouth.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Nicko

    An achingly tender poem which just seems to push all the right buttons. You have an innate ability to make not only me but others feel.. Both you and Melisa have the ability it would seem, to get under my skin and touch me where I'm most sensitive, most vulnerable.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    ...and you know what's the most unfair part of it all, is that you're as gorgeous as the poetry you write. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

    forever jealous.

    I'll comment something better tho, but I agree
    with britt, its kinda..way too beautiful for words

    a win is cooking.

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    This is one of those poems I want to comment and give it all kind of praise for the parts that I like, that I felt something, or that I feel was creative..

    But then that'd be the whole poem. This was beautiful, in so many ways.