Weaver of life

by Muran   Mar 11, 2012

I am weaving a life in the desert,
Threads are always breaking,
Patch them up, smile on them and,
I still continue to weave the life,
Very seldom I rest, or I don't know to rest,
Someone close to me told,
I don't know to live, true, utterly true,
I don't know to live for me,
Now I have severe cold and fever,
But I am in the office as usual,
A friend asked, why can't you rest,
I repeated, I don't know to rest,
Because I am weaving a life.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    No one really doesn't know the rest. . . I really like the idea of this poem, it's true too, we have to keep weaving this life in order to feel alive otherwise, we feel idk restless you would say

    but a nice write from you


  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    No one knows rest. A very thoughtful write from you. Keep it up :)