Comments : Please Daddy, No!

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow Babii..

    I'm sorry he puts you threw this
    I hope one day he will be punished you derseve better(:

    He splits open my clothes,
    Saying I'm just like the other h***.
    I begin to scream and cry
    But I must stop or I'll die.

    That stanza made me cryy!!
    It's like I can feel the pain you
    Go threw when he does those things..I'm swooii!!

    Great write darl(:


  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow Babii..

    I'm sorry he puts you threw this
    I hope one day he will be punished you derseve better(:

    He s***ts open my clothes,
    Saying I'm just like the other h***.
    I begin to scream and cry
    But I must stop or I'll die.

    That stanza made cryy!!
    It's like I can feel the pain you
    Go threw when he does those things..I'm swooii!!

    Great write darl(:


  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow Babii..

    I'm sorry he puts you threw this
    I hope one day he will be punished you derseve better girl..

    I lay there, beaten and broken
    As he flips his token
    Onto my chest
    Saying That was the best.

    Meanwhile I'm bound and forgotten
    Feeling completely rotten

    That stanza made cryy!!
    It's like I can feel the pain you
    Go threw when he does those things..I'm swooii!!

    Great write darl(:


  • 12 years ago

    by dead inside

    I'm sorry that had to happen to you...i know what it like to be raped and abused...just know your not alone that someone is going through the same and can relate...i hope he gets what is coming

  • 12 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    I couldn't finish this. I got as far as "So, he drags me screaming to the bed. "

    What I had read, your way with words are amazing. I wont' lie about that. But I couldn't continue because it brought back memories for me. Like it's hard to breath right now lol.

    But you are an amazing writer. Do not stop writing. It is a good tool, instrument of venting and letting yourself free in a way.

  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    Wow... there was so much emotion in this. you are a truley amazing and terrific writer!

  • 12 years ago

    by lindzie

    Girl i know how you feel i've been raped 3 times by two diffrent people once bye my dad in the bathroom at my grandma's house when i was 4 and two times by my mom's friend one was when i was 5 in my aunts house and one was in my house when i was 9 and i've been beating by my dad bye belts for stupid stuff and i've been beating by my mom and told im not worth it that's when i got removed from my house to foster care at age 10 and i'm still in here at currently age 14 and on top of that i have health issues such as athsma,thyroid issues, i also have mental issues i've been founded with ptsd for postrumatic stress disorder,depression,adhd attention defisite hyperactive disorder,odd opitional defiant disorder,mood swings,and etc thats alot for a young girl like me so i understand where you coming frow if any questions my name is lindzie

  • 12 years ago

    by lindzie

    Girl i know how you feel i've been raped 3 times by two diffrent people once bye my dad in the bathroom at my grandma's house when i was 4 and two times by my mom's friend one was when i was 5 in my aunts house and one was in my house when i was 9 and i've been beating by my dad bye belts for stupid stuff and i've been beating by my mom and told im not worth it that's when i got removed from my house to foster care at age 10 and i'm still in here at currently age 14 and on top of that i have health issues such as athsma,thyroid issues, i also have mental issues i've been founded with ptsd for postrumatic stress disorder,depression,adhd attention defisite hyperactive disorder,odd opitional defiant disorder,mood swings,and etc thats alot for a young girl like me so i understand where you coming from if any questions my name is lindzie