My Highland Home

by Celtic Warrior   Mar 15, 2012

My home! my home! the place I go to for sanctem,
Where are my woods, Gaia's requiem?
A place whose tree's are full, and leaves so green,
It's bark grey, and full of squirrels that preen.
Of owls hooting gently, and crows caw'ing their song,
Where fish dance in the loch, all day long.
The ground is soft, the grass's blades won't cut,
Here is where I was born, here my coffin will be shut.
I am a proud Scotsman, all my lifelong,
I am even more proud of my lovely highland home.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Starlita Justice

    Of mine heart you sing.. My land lies below yours, a small boat row away... But your woods are the same as mine. And I remember the path

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    I really liked the start of this verse but...I would have started it..My Home! My Home! just to emphasise it.


    Well this is a good word to use but...I just felt it was misplaced in this poem?

    The rest of the poem had some lovely imagery in it although, personally, I'd change lagoon to loch...I've never come across a lagoon in Scotland?

    I did enjoy reading this one.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I like that the poem refers to nature and I also like the use of sactem, sounds like santurium. Or something like that a sacred place.

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