
by Yakari Gabriel   Mar 15, 2012

I've been brought up
to believe, that one must
make the most of time
before it runs out

to later hear that,
there's time for everything
that one must not rush
to lend time, to time.

now what's true?

to me,
time is the moment
we spend between birth
and death, its all we are.

time ruins us,
we're iron
and time is the ocean
with the crashing of waves
that turns us into history.

If you refuse to believe
that you're not enslaved,
that you're not doing
something for the
sake of something

look at your wrist,
look at the wall
look at your phone,
sweep your eyes to the
corner of this screen

tell me,

have you done all you need to?..
or can you just waste breath
around...just a little bit longer?


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I've been brought up
    to believe, that one must
    make the most of time
    before it runs out

    to later hear that,
    there's time for everything
    that one must not rush
    to lend time, to time.

    now what's true?

    --- Yup, this is so true. One should make the most out of the time we have but only when we are ready. There is a time and place for everything and by this I mean that we shouldn't rush to run when we can't walk. So I believe that both sayings are true but them both should be say together and explain. My parents specially my mom has always been telling me the above and what I understood from what they told me is that I shouldn't rush to learn what I'm not ready to understand because I will not get the best of it. I will only understand what I want and not the whole picture. So whenever I'm in a situation that I don't understand, I prefer to just think a little bit about it and not hurt my head to try to understand everything because I know that I will understand the whole picture eventually. I hope this makes sense.

    to me,
    time is the moment
    we spend between birth
    and death, its all we are.

    ---Very well explain, I do think so too. But I also think that time is much more than that.
    Time is precious just as our lives that's why I think that it's very well explain when you said that it's between our birth and death. But time keeps running even without us, Our time ends but someone's else's time is up and during our time we enjoy and live and suffer and realize so many things. And the things that we realize we teach it to someone else and that someone else goes through the same process and so on. So time is wow a genius in my opinion. I admire it.

    time ruins us,
    we're iron
    and time is the ocean
    with the crashing of waves
    that turns us into history.

    -- I can see why you think this way, but I think is better for my history to end at some point. I don't want to live for eternity. I feel like a vacation it's needed or a change would be needed after so many years.

    If you refuse to believe
    that you're not enslaved,
    that you're not doing
    something for the
    sake of something

    ---- yeah, we are not a slave of time. That's what I understood from what you wrote.
    Not enslave.. not caused to lose their freedom .. But I feel that you mean that we are slaves of time.

    look at your wrist,
    look at the wall
    look at your phone,
    sweep your eyes to the
    corner of this screen

    tell me,

    have you done all you need to?..
    or can you just waste breath
    around...just a little bit longer?

    ---- So far, I have't done all I need to do. But it's not because of absences of time or because I have plenty of time, it's because I refuse to do what I need to do and it's base on insecurities and etc. But I'm enjoying my time and learning a bit by bit. So I don't feel like I'm enslave in time because time is giving me the time that I need.

    Amazing write, thought provoking.

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