Comments : The Sonnet of the Sun and Shadows

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt


    I have to give you major, major, major props for pulling this form off. I know you don't like forms, but you rocked this one. I think you probably used one of the hardest versions you possibly could, and the way you executed this piece.. oh, it's beautiful.

    I adore the use of old language.. I typically don't, but you didn't over do it and I feel like it works best in sonnets. It's a poem I've read a few times and have been waiting for proper time to comment, I feel there is SO much to this poem.

    I keep trying to go through and pick the pieces that I like the most. I adore the use of moon's bride (biased a little right now haha), and felt the imagery throughout the whole poem was just amazing... too amazing - I can't pinpoint what part is my favorite! I think I may try to recite this one on vocaroo, this is such a strong poem and I feel very dramatically written.

    I don't know how you do it, Lu, but you mastered this!

  • 12 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Lu, you snuck this sonnet online without my realizing it. I've been waiting to comment on it forever.

    First of all, your line beat, rhyme scheme and line endings are perfection. The structure of the sonnet is much more subtle. It took several readings to understand, but once it hit me: WOW!

    The opening octet is the mourning of the passage of a great person - the closing sextet the resolution that life goes on.

    The fact that you tell it in odic form makes the final impact more powerful. Incidentally, the odic form also makes the double syllable of 'cru-el' more pronounced.

    The weeping eyes linked to ravens' calls provide the introduction of the theme of mourning most profoundly. More subtle is the image of thunder, strong and dynamic, touching the sand, becoming still and buried.

    The world is dimmed by a mist 'born shadowed' which, by this person's death, burns the heavens and earth alike; the depth of grief stops the speaker from active life, time is in a back water. You are tormented by unyielding nightmares in which glimpses of the person only add to your pain.

    Your ability to go on is made possible only by recognition of this person's life value (heralded by daisies' breath).

    Now comes the dawn of your acceptance: the shrouding mist transforms into the hope symbolized by a rainbow. The world is given light and sun again, affording you courage and understanding of the cycle of death and life.

    The sonnet is absolutely superb. If a cursory reading does not yield its magnificence, a more studied approach makes it absolutely worthwhile!

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Wonderfully Done, Exquisite!!!