
by Yakari Gabriel   Mar 16, 2012

I could say
my guts brought me here,
but that isn't the case

it was the smell of indifference..
its been roaming around
the walls of our home
for ages now.

I've done all I could,
to remove its trails
but it has grown stronger
penetrating my lungs..

It has them
like bird picked apple's
looking rotten,
fainting slowly
into nothing.

time passes by,
breathing gets
harder, and harder

I don't
mind standing this misery.

for death is a guaranteed
visitor, he's never
alone though,
surprise is always..holding his hand

later than sooner,
they're gonna come
and there's nothing wrong
with their arrival.

there's nothing wrong
with not feeling, with
not dreaming, with not
being anything at all

as long,as indifference
becomes a foreigner
to my senses.


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