Sing Softly

by Deana   Mar 17, 2012

Deep in your eyes, are stars that whisper to the moon
Silently healing the wounded heart
Darkness covers the beauty of our sin,
as our bodies dance by the midnight sea

. . . and we sing softly

Pretending that the world can not hear our voices
That clouds do not hold tears, soon to fall
Alone. . . within our own existence
Two souls joined by need

. . . and we sing softly

Deep in your eyes, you fight a losing battle
Sand washes from beneath our feet
Unbalanced. . . afraid to fall
Dreams taken by the tides, to another shore

. . . and we sing softly. . .of what might have been.


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  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    This swept me away, sadness, hope, longing it was filled with each of these emotions and love. I'm in awe truly excellent

  • 13 years ago

    by Ingrid


    I am not sure how to comment, because I am not sure how your words are meant..but the last line does indicate something...I wish it ended: "of what may be"

    You are a beautiful person, hun..I hope one day the poems on your profile will be of Deana being happy once more.

    Hugs to you,

    5/5 Ingrid

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