Comments : My love

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Yaki, I hope someday you realize how beautiful this poem is of yours. I found myself truly touched by it- your voice has such sincerity, and I can feel the sacrifice behind your words, behind your promise, only desiring for this person's soul to be filled with happiness again.

    Absolutely pure, it flowed wonderfully and has to be one of my favorites from you. You know how to catch the heart and pull it in. I keep going back and reading this, there is so much depth to it, it just amazes me! The way you describe the pain, how the pain of yesterday, last month, and today are not gone yet, they are still present and soaking into your soul, and you write about that truth, the sad truth.
    But then you explain in a few words your determination. How there can't be any doubt because your heart is in the palm of this person, and that this promise is something you will carry on, no matter what.

    I felt myself taken in and warmed by the delicate voice of this love, the tenderness, and determination to have this person's soul smile once more. A loving, mature write, I enjoyed so much!

    Keep it up :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lifeless Doll

    This is truly is a beautiful poem, the use of your word catches the readers attention I can see the pain along the poem, really well-written

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Mercy! you do know how to take metaphors and delicately speak your heart... this poem is beautiful.... mercy mercy... so pretty!!