In This Spring....

by Poet on the Piano   Mar 18, 2012

Blessed Savior,
Your father brought the world into life
and crafted our souls into this creation;
I never want to second guess this life
You helped save.
I can feel you everywhere,
in the mountains and seas that run on and on
overflowing to distances I can't fathom,
but know exist.

The grass lightens vividly,
the skies open up,
flowers are nurtured
into awakening-
and all I hear is the sweet
chirping of nature's softness.

And dear Christ,
I am in awe that you sacrificed
Your life, all for the will of God Almighty
to save us from ourselves.

In this Spring, I remember
how you walked that walk
up Calvary's hill,
with a heart of purest love,
a soul of kindness,
and a cross bearing
all of our shortcomings.

I won't forget You,
for You are the one true beauty-
resurrected, risen from death-
that will last throughout this Spring
and forever to come.

Spring would not be here
without You....
You are the one I need the most
when the seasons change
and I lose sight of my faith.

I must continue to walk,
love my enemies
and learn the path of forgiveness
in this Spring and many more
to arrive.

Written March 18, 2012.
Jesus, You gave it all for us. I believe in Your love, for it is the greatest and it shows me who I am. Thank you for freeing us by Your death, please help me sacrifice just as You did in the ultimate gift of love.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    It's a great tribute, MaryAnne.. I like your faithful side a lot.. :)

    I think faithful people like you (whatever religion they are from) can really be trusted, befriended... and loved.

    great one, sis

  • 12 years ago

    by Steven Croat

    Beautiful vernal poem!I loved it!
    Well written!


  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    First of all, thank you for sharing this :)
    I love reading it over and over again, it's like a prayer. The flow is beautiful. This deserves a 5/5
    Keep writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by Angel

    I love how you wrote this for God its very inspirational :)