Dear poets

by Natusha   Mar 19, 2012

Dear poets,
Don't you ever stop writing!
my lungs are graving
for the toxic in the air
my hands are wanting
to rip all the chances away.

Hear me now
and hear me well.
For I'm not
the nagging type
but faith is running dry
in the clenched up
claws of insecurity
Mu curved backbone
is dangling on too much to say
and a restless need to speak.

If you ever consider
to put the pen down.
If you ever consider
taking your eyes
off the paper.
It will be the end of me
and all I could be

My eyes will rain for days
My hands will want to rip all these chances away

Its because of
your gauzy presence
I linger.
It's through the energy you emit
that I get to see the light of day

When rays speak of
opportunity and precariousness,
dancing flagrantly
I shiver under this shrivel skin.
To know that one day
you might or might not let yourself
be another disappointment

do understand
I'm not the nagging type
but I am tired of faith
running dry at the shores of reverie.
I'm tired of not believing in myself
Tired of hand-me-downs.
I need you more than
a bedside filled with comfort
I need you not questioning my tears
but letting it run down.
For if not it will choke
the hell out of me

I don't whirl around exhausted faith.
I'm at the brink of losing my self
at dry lands of worthless attempts.

your fingertip prods
the good intentions,
it's the steering ink
on the paper
that tiptoes on
my beating heart.

I'm too god damn exhausted,
too damn weary of
all these discarded feelings,
puncturing through
the only honesty that remains,
coming from these tired lips:
Poets, don't you ever stop writing!

diary of my skin.
This is you eulogy
Walk me through fire
Walk me through skepticism
Make me understand that
everything operates
in order to hear you chant.

keep me away
from cigarettes,
hold on tight
to my grip,
don't let me
sink in this
propelled quicksand
of timidity.

Help me give credit
to my voice
I'll need it a bit longer along side of yours.

love of my life,
the sun in my eye,
that which is keeping
me alive

I surrender mercilessly
Don't you ever stop writing!


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  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    love of my life,
    the sun in my eye,
    that which is keeping
    me alive

    I surrender mercilessly
    Don't you ever stop writing! "

    be gentle on my heart kid...I'm gonna die soon..

    *try to watch for words in the middle of the sentence that are capitalized when they shouldn't...

    *read your poem out loud to see if you really did need the "." or a "," when you were try to create the pause effect..

    because if you put a full stop it breaks the flow a little my love,
    other than that,I'll tell you I'm not fond
    of exclamations points in poetry, but I liked it in this, it made it so adamant, omg...even when reading it I felt it in my head as if someone was screaming it to me

    it was powerful and moving all in one because while you are begging for one to never stop writing, you also explain all the things writing means to you...

    your word choice is always tasteful omg...

    also also, the comma in your title love..
    It isn't really needed...

    other than that, I have no other critique to give

    you amaze me always, you have such a soft and loving personality, but your words contain so much fierce its like they are the opposite of you..

    You rock! booomdooom boom bass :)