Comments : My savior, where are you?

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    It's so sad.. To feel like no one's there for you anymore...
    A 5/5 for the emotion you put into this poem.
    Keep writing!


  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Broke should be broken or brake. Okay thats just one grammarical error, though there are a few more. The emotion is strong and heartrending. The style is nice. I think the piece could have been longer though its not neccessary cause the message is clear. But I like the piece and think its a job well done.

  • 12 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Thnx :) yeah i`m not that good in grammar since i come from another country than i wrote on my profile. But my grammar will be better ;)