If only metaphors

by Yakari Gabriel   Mar 20, 2012

To only talk in metaphors
would be like giving a voice
to a mending heart,

it would be the start
of something that might not end,
but that's strong enough
to withstand eternity,

if we would only
speak in metaphors,
we'd use all we have
around us to describe
what we feel,

and so..
we'd make trees stand
for whatever it is they
mean to us,
the clouds would not
only speak of rain,

and everything,
all the little things
would no longer
go unnoticed,

if we were to only
speak in metaphors
we would force the mind
to think deeper,

to slow down instead
of sending words to
the tongue with a
raging speed...

if we were to only speak
in metaphors, then..
vanity must go somewhere else,
then mediocrity must go somewhere else,

(although they'd
leave a bigger room for hypocrisy)

we must trust that kindness
will be brave enough
to stand in between and
break whatever tension there is.


Natusha is the devil,
thank you for this sweet soul.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Amazing poem. I've never thought of people speaking only metaphors, but that'd be cool :)
    I loved it from beginning to the end. 5/5

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