All like fabric flowers

by Mr Rhee   Mar 24, 2012

There are things I've done,
that caused hurt, and anguish.
Sometimes I was able to make
smiles happen, even laughter.

I held, and kissed, and loved,
but I don't know if
any of it was even real.
All like fabric flowers.

Memories, and more memories,
dancing into a swirl,
inside my mind.
Never stopping, never stopping,

Just the same, I realized,
I myself, had no genuine smiles,
or laughter, of my own,
behind this mask.

I did, however, have all the hurt,
and the anguish, in my soul.
Hanging in there,
like an old woolen coat.

If karma is a true...thing,
then I wonder, I really do,
when I'm without inspirations,
what's in store for me then?


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  • 13 years ago

    by Xionide

    "There are things I've done,
    that caused hurt, and anguish.
    Sometimes I was able to make
    smiles happen, even laughter.

    I held, and kissed, and loved,
    but I don't know if
    any of it was even real.
    All like fabric flowers."

    these two stanza bring back a few memories from some of the things ive done, and questioned as well,the simplicity of the words ring true in the clearest form, sometimes that's better than trying to complexify things.

    "Memories, and more memories,
    dancing into a swirl,
    inside my mind.
    Never stopping, never stopping,"

    The one thing i've learnt with time is that memories are a way to hold onto things that have, or may have long since gone, even the bad memories are ones I like to keep, the relatibility of your words is outstanding.

    "Just the same, I realized,
    I myself, had no genuine smiles,
    or laughter, of my own,
    behind this mask."

    This kinda reminds me of depression, yet trying to convince the world that everything's when you yourself know the truth is far from all smiles and laughter.

    "I did, however, have all the hurt,
    and the anguish, in my soul.
    Hanging in there,
    like an old woolen coat."

    sometimes the pain we feel inside can be a reminder that we are infact human and phisical pain is not always the strongest to hurt us.

    "If karma is a true...thing,
    then I wonder, I really do,
    when I'm without inspirations,
    what's in store for me then? "

    Like your poem, I've often asked myself if karma is true, and if it is would the balance of it for me be on equal par, or balanced in one direction, Ive done bad stuff, and ive done good stuff, karma will be karma and do what it needs too.

    this is a very good poem, I enjoyed this piece. nicely done.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Hi Mr Rhee.
    I see you reflecting on relationships with people you cared deeply for but questioning yourself on the authenicity of these people, wondering if they are really as they appear, as you remember each of them.

    Then this stanza is bold and powerful-

    Just the same, I realized,
    I myself, had no genuine smiles,
    or laughter, of my own,
    behind this mask.

    Makes me think maybe you held back or pretended to be something or someone you are not.
    But the pain has become part of your soul matter the part you played.

    Each of these "fabric flowers" have given rise to inspiration...

    but when Karma comes around, like she always does, you fear the same thing will happen to you.

    My interpretation may be miles off, but this is how I read it.

    Makes you think and I love that.
    Enjoy your day!