Angels Gather Here

by Lori   Mar 28, 2012

Angels gather here
Love is our only prayer
Bless us with mutual trust
For each other we'll always care

Since our house is made with love
We figure you will gather here
So our hearts will remain loyal
And our intentions stay sincere

Help us keep our promises
Bless our strong virtues
With the strength we know you'll give us
The love in our hearts we'll never lose

Bring us rays of sunshine
Fill our lives with pure love
Sing us lovely melodies
To the skies and above

Please dear angels, bless us
You're welcome in our den
You'll witness unending love
Every night you'll hear Amen

^I wrote this for when, someday, I have a family of my own, we can hang this in our house


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    I like this but loved the end it takes it home 5\5

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    Wow. so amazing..really sweet piece. keep always writing:=)

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    This is really sweet :)) Great write 5/5 Keep writing!
