If I Were Thunder....

by Poet on the Piano   Mar 30, 2012

Do I have the voice
to tell you with words of lightning,
that I can't let you go?

Or will I rumble on
and strike the horizon,
accepting that I will die
with you on my mind.....
these storms will be
a facade of how I wish to love.

If I chain myself
far away from you,
hitting the ends of the world,
bellowing lost silhouettes,
you would never watch
my sanity depart
in that violence you
couldn't rid yourself of.

If I were thunder
it'd be easier to remind you
of all the memories you've left open
in my pockets,
but like thunder,
you may run the distance
and I may lose you to
time's own storm.

And all the openings I cleared
between trees, meadows, and
bruised skies
will be cowering....
if you forget me in silence,
then you won't recall
my broken soul
when I collide with electricity,
and cease to be your dreamer.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    This is the ultimate test of personhood I feel.... if I were more (insert adjective here), I would do this, but you'll still do this anyway. I know what you'll do, so I don't have to really do it. But what you don't know is how much you truly hold back if you don't do what you feel is the right thing to do. The idea of being thunder is a gorgeous metaphor, as it can be so many things to so many people. For me, I personally love storms, so I instantly felt a connection to being "strong" or "bold" when it comes to being thunder.. and that's really what I felt through a lot of this. A constant loud reminder of what's lost or left behind. Another beautifully written sad poem for this week...I really believe this had great imagery and just nailed it. Well done!

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Sweetheart, this poem hit me to the core, I kind of imagined it to be me talking of my mother and it truly made me tearful. What I can't understand is how can they have the heart to hurt people, sensitive like you? I'm not kissing asses, here. I'm just in awe and in pain, at the same time. I had that feeling of being deprived of something or someone whom you can never reach. The question at the beginning, indeed, was a masterpiece itself...as if you don't have the voice (the courage) to yell out and say that you are too weak to loose their memories. You have that kind of pride that might let you sacrifice, might let you love purely, without pretense, that might NEVER allow anybody to break your heart more than they've done. It's all about having the strength to confess things you'd never confess with you being a human. And what's stronger and more reachable than thunder? It can hit everywhere and anyone. I am in love with all the 'tender' anger you've got here. Your imagery about 'striking' the horizon is absolutely one of my favorite images ever written by you. It was as if you are pouring all of your wrath out into something else. Trying to accept the truth which is not as bittersweet as it seemed.

    I really still can't imagine how thunder would be chained, and for sure, it's impossible, so when you said 'chain myself far away from you' it's like doing something unfeasible. It's like being hopeless, Gosh, how awesome this was! The 'bellowing lost sihouettes' sentence was beyond smart and beyond imaginative, beyond everything I can ever think of. Everything had a singificance and a special meaning but this one was even more. Magical!

    'you would never watch
    my sanity depart
    in that violence you
    couldn't rid yourself of.'

    This was my favorite part for two reasons. First of all, I haven't liked the word 'sanity' in any poem till now. It's always kind of lame and repeated to me. Here I felt different. Secondly, the 'rid yourself of' reminded me of an old friend who once used this sentence, I love this sentence though it was said to me, lol, but it was about arrogance not violence, haha. Being violent has more meanings than just harsh or severe, I believe. Damn, if you were talking what's on my mind at the moment, you'd be super genius. Your bruised sky blew me away, it was so refreshing in a melancholic manner, especially escorting the memories left in your pockets image and clearing the meadows. Gosh, have you been taking trips through my mind? I just feel this is the way I am, these days. Incredible.

    'If you forget me in silence,
    then you won't recall
    my broken soul
    when I collide with electricity,
    and cease to be your dreamer.'

    Thunder vs. Silence, haha. What a snarled image, here, I could hardly breathe after reading it. It's just ...I'm just... Well, all is... Bagh. Can't help it really! When thunder collides with electricity, there happens a bolt, right? Or rain...ugh. I suck at science especially geographical sciences so pardon my dumbness. Anyway, this metaphor is not quitting my mind. It's all stuck in here. Oh and btw, I wanted to say something too, I noticed all throughout the poem, you always used present verbs and it's alright...but I guess you'd need the 'could/would' thing and the past tense in here. Like: 'Do I have the voice' = 'Would I have the voice', 'Or will I rumble' = 'Would I rumble', 'these storms will' = 'these storms would be'... etc. I just thought it would flow better! I absolutely loved your piece and think it's worth a win. And judges again, if you don't let this win, I'll get out of the screen and scratch your noses! Loved this piece, mwa!

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle
