Comments : Final Moments

  • 12 years ago

    by Moonlit Candles

    This poem was great. Starting with:

    Mice turned to men
    Babies died
    Secret doors were revealed
    Not so secret anymore

    This was neat. Caught my attention and had me wandering what was going to happen next.

    We danced through the night
    As the world fell around us

    Then here the poem opened up more. It was like the world was coming to an end. yet the two lovers were unaware.

    First and last breaths
    Grasped tightly
    Then set free
    As the planet turned to dust

    This was neat. I was seeing here the two lovers kissing. And I could picture them standing on a part of land bsically floating.

    "It's just a sandstorm" they said
    But we knew the truth
    Having danced with death before
    We must love while we can

    And then the ending was great. Showing here that you must love while you can with the world falling around you. all in all a great write. :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Ohhhh I loved this!!

    Mice turned to men...seriously loved this line and this opening stanza.

    This whole poem showed a whole lot of creativity. I loved the use of "dust" when describing the planet...

    My favorite line was We must love while we can. Things can so quickly change and crumble around us, we never know when our last day alive will be..what a true line.

    Great job with this!