My Bird Of Songs

by Jake   Apr 4, 2012

I hold on to a pillow every night
Wishing it was you
Your love has given my heart wings
A Thousand miles it has flew

Flown a long distance
From point A to B, Me to You
Though we can't see each other
Our hearts can become one from two

I dream of you every night
Wishing it was real
I crave the feeling of your touch
But my heart has a hole from a drill

A large gaping hole
I need your love to fill
I need you to be in my life
I've almost lost all of my will

I wake in the middle of the night, every night
From a good dream turned wrong
It started out fine
With you singing a love song

A love song so graceful
So very beautiful, so very strong
But then "they" took you away from me
"They" took my Bird Of Songs

I beg for you back every night
But I get nowhere
"They" won't bring you back
I search, but can't find you anywhere

Can't find you
It's a horrible pain to bear
I miss my Bird Of Songs so much
But "they" don't seem to care

I wake up every morning
Realizing it wasn't real
The first thing I think of is you
And the love between us that we feel

The Love between us
It's just unreal
The link of our minds
It must be meant to be, Jack and Jill

When I get to talk to you later that morning
I hear my songbird singing
I hear her angelic, perfect voice
In my ears, My Bird Of Songs, is ringing


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I really like the metaphor of "My Bird of Songs" ... very creative. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    Romantic and sweet",nice poem
    keep writing more:=)

  • 12 years ago


    Another poem full of feeling.
    I liked the lines..

    'When I get to talk to you later that morning
    I hear my songbird singing
    I hear her angelic, perfect voice
    In my ears, My Bird Of Songs, is ringing'

    Keep up the writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by Faith Ann

    Thats a really sweet poem jake, good job! 5/5:)